Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Lil Sample Babies!!

So on Saturday, I went to my consultant (who is also my cousin) to get my test locks put in. She decided to put in 2 locks just above and behind my left ear. Now, I knew my hair had some length to it, but I have SERIOUS shrinkage and I haven't blown my hair out since January, so I only had a vague impression of how long it is.

WHOA BABY!! It's between 8.5 and 9 inches all the way through. Now to you, that might not seem like a lot... but for me? That's at least 2 inches longer than my hair ever reached while relaxed, and it only took me almost 2 years to get it. *snoopy dance*

We've decided that my SL will be installed from Sept. 18-23, depending on how long it takes. She's estimated about 30 hours, but I have a lot of hair so we'll see. I'm actually taking that week off from work because:

1. I need a dang vacation.

2. She works morning and I work afternoons. For the deal she is giving me, if she'd have told me to be at her house at 3am with a chicken foot in my right hand, I would LOL

I probably won't post again until my 2 year Nappiversary, which is August 18th. So I'll leave you with a couple of pics of my sample babies.

I know they are going to shrink up and everything... but this picture right here is a triumphant moment for me. *tear*

Here they are dangling out of my puff, happy as you please lol.

Keep it nappy y'all!!

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