Sunday, October 14, 2012

Random Styles

Guess who's biiizzzaaack!! *insert dope instrumental here* lol

Hey y'all,

I'm about 2 weeks away from one year, but we're not here to talk about that today.  Today I'm just going to show you random styles I've had!

We'll start off with the rollers I told you about last time.  I used strips of paper and curled my hair.


I didn't hate it... but I didn't love it.  There are some things I see I'll do different next time, but I'll definitely do it again.

The disappointment from that caused me to do this which I loved!

Thick cornrows  

I love how this came out!

Y'ALL SEE THOSE LOCS!!! Yeah, I know I said it on the caption, but it feels so damn epic I had to say it again!! LMAO  I looked at that picture and I was like "Whoa, I've got locs!" :)

My girl NaturaLocs asked for a pic of my jacket I talked about in my last post, so I'll leave you with some of those.  If you haven't been to her blog, you need to go check it out.  She just had a post on baby locs and working out that is ON POINT!

The next time we talk, my locs will be one year old.  I'm excited!!  I can't say that I'm going to update on my exact anniversary, but I'll definitely take pics so you can see where I was and what it looks like on that day.

I love this jacket.

*flips locs* Deuces!!


  1. Heeya Tracey, that braidout is classic. Thanks for the mention, much appreciated and I glad to see you working the jacket with the diva nail paint too. Make sure you become a friend on my page so people can find your blog okay! :)))

    P.S. I agree with you on that photo. It looks like you've had locs for years and the spirals are BOSS. I had one of my locs braided and decided to keep it in because of how pretty yours are.

