Thursday, July 28, 2011

My hair now and throughout this year

Here's my hair today... I'm trying a side bang thing today and I think I'm just too cute lol
My color, lol excuse the mean look on my face lol

How I wear my hair to the gym

Blown out in January

Random curl just to show you my texture

Wash and go, my normal hairstyle

Who I am

Let me tell you a little bit of my hair story.  I got my last perm in March of 2009.  On April 18, 2009, I dyed my hair blonde.  I have no real excuse except I wanted to see how it would look.  And I hated it!  So I decided to grow it out and start over. My scalp has always been kind of sensitive and I just got tired of having scabs on my head from the chemicals.  And for what?  So I could look like everyone else?  I'm good with what God gave me.

So I transitioned for a few months, but got tired of trying to deal with the 2 textures so on August 18, 2009 I had my big chop.  I've been letting my hair grow out for the almost 2 years since that time and have realized that the longer my hair becomes, the less I feel like dealing with detangling it.  I have extremely coily 7-8 inch hair strands that wrap around each other if you even look at them.  Not to mention, I'm not very adept at styling my hair, which drives me crazy because when I was younger I had braids, and I kept a cute style.  Now I can't seem to deal with fighting the coils long enough to get it styled.

It is with all of these factors... and a TON of research, that I have decided to get sisterlocks.  My tester locks will be installed on Saturday and I'm so excited,  I can barely stand it.  I have literally spent HOURS on other blogs picture-stalking and soaking up all in information I can.  I dyed my hair a burgundy color that I am in love with because I wanted some color and I know once my hair is locked, I won't be able to do anything to it until it settles.  Thanks to the great people of Nappturality and the Yahoo LockItUp group, I learned that I could do it now with no problem, so I'm now a sassy redhead. :)

There is actually a Sisterlock convention here in my town on my birthday, August 13th (LEO!! lol) so I took that as a sign.  Plus it will also give me ample opportunity to look at plenty of gorgeous heads of hair before my installation.

That's all for now, I'll be back after my tester locks are put in.  In the mean time, the in between time... Keep it nappy!