Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lock Rockin Styles!!

Hey y'all!!

I've been actually doing some styles these last few weeks!  (Shocking right? lol)  Nothing too fancy, my skill level isn't there yet, but more than I have been previously doing.

So here are some photos of how I wear my hair:

Bun with an EZ comb

Braid out with beads strung along several locks.

Half pony.  My go to when I don't want my hair in my face.

Until the next time, keep it nappy y'all!!

*flips locks* Deuces!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

3 Month Review - Time is FLYING!!

Hey y'all!!

I can't believe it's been three months already.  It seems like just a couple of days ago, I got out of bed at the crack of dawn and headed to braid shop.

We are rolling right along.  I don't have any complaints, my hair is growing, it's healthy and low maintenance.  I seem to be locking from the back up.  The back of my hair is much further along than the front, but it's all good as long as it all gets there eventually.


  1. Shampoo whenever I feel like it needs it.
  2. Rinse at least every other day.
  3. Grease my scalp with JBCO hair food when I think it needs it.
  4. Condition once a month (usually on anniversary)

My ends at 2 months and at 3 months

The nape of my neck has shrunken and bunched into some weird shapes.  I'm assuming that's all going to work itself out on its own, so I'm trying to not be concerned by it.

I love this little lock. It is chugging right along and you can't tell it was ever a braid.  Grow baby grow!!

This was how I wore my hair yesterday. Can I just say I am all in on the size of my locks?  No more wondering if I need to make them smaller.  That fullness right there is everything I ever wanted!

That's all for now, talk to you all soon.

Until the next time... keep it nappy y'all

*flips locks* Deuces!!