Thursday, January 26, 2012

Let's Talk About Latch Baby!!

Happy New Year Everybody!!!

Sorry I've been away so long.  School started back up and life got hectic.  I seem to have everything under control now, so I'm back on my blogging!

Let's talk about latching! 

I have a sensitive scalp, so I have to wash my hair at least every 3 days. This is the main reason I have decided to interlock my roots.  This is my 2nd time latching since I started locking.  The first time, I had 4 weeks of new growth and it took me between 2 and 3 hours.  This time I had 7 weeks of new growth and it took me 6.5 hours!  Lesson learned... I will be staying on a 5 week schedule! If I wanted to spend 6 hours doing my hair, I would have kept putting twists in every three weeks lol.

I used a yarn needle for the ones that haven't gotten too thick yet, and a latch hook for the nape of my neck which has bunched and locked into weird shapes. :)

My tools

To get my locks into the yarn needle, I fold one in half and thread it through the eye.

I use a 3-6-9-12 rotation although I have found a few that aren't growing as fast so for those I have been using 6-3-12 or 6-9-12.  I do try to always end at 12 so that my hair is pointing down when I'm finished.

Here's a before and after of my hair... as you can see, I clearly needed to tighten my hair lol

I have been storing up pics while I was on my blogging break so sometime this week, I'll have a style post... and then my 3 month anniversary is coming up!!

Until next time, keep it nappy!!

*flips locks* Deuces!!